My Bio

I'm Kayla, and I absolutely love it here at Penn State. I'm currently in DUS, but I'm considering majoring in Sociology, and minoring in Business. I'm from an itty bitty school named Fort Cherry, and graduated with only 87 other people. Everybody knew everybody there, and even the teachers knew everyone's business. Penn State is such a huge difference, and I think that's why I like it so much. I love the anonymity here, and the fact that I'm an average student with no reputation to uphold and no expectations to meet except for my own. Although, I have to admit I have a big part of home with me because I am rooming with my absolute best friend, Rachel. In high school I was a majorette, played softball, was involved in a mock trial team, an academic league, chorus, and various other clubs whose meetings I did not show up for. I worked at Chuck E Cheese for almost two years. I don't care what anyone thinks of it, it was an incredibly fun job and I met some of my closest friends there. I can't wait to get more involved in Penn State. I plan on joining the twirling club and the Blue and White Society. Mostly, I just love to meet new people! I'm pretty shy in approaching people, but once I'm in a conversation I love to talk. So say hi sometime, I'd love to meet you. :)

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