Monday, December 10, 2012

Self Analysis

1. What have I learned this semester? I have learned many a thing, let me tell you. I have learned that I hate biological anthropology. I have learned to enjoy/tolerate the taste of espresso. I have learned that the library is a sanctuary. And I have learned that apparently, I give off a "freshman vibe." It's unavoidable. All of that aside, I have also learned much in English 15S. I am getting much better at analyzing text for deeper meaning, something I struggled with before. However, I think the most important thing I learned about writing is to write in your own voice. I was never confident in this method before. I always found it easier to meet the requirements of a paper precisely, and to do so in a somewhat formal manner. I will admit that I still hang onto this voice, and that yes, I am using it right now. However, I've forced myself to break out of it at times, trying to throw in a piece of humor here or there. Before I had been writing papers for the teacher. I wrote what I knew they wanted to hear. In English 15, little by little, I started writing them for myself. I find it's much easier to write a paper when I want it to be good, and not just for a grade. I want to be able to look back on it and know that I think that it was done to the best of my ability. 
As for my relationship to the arts, I have discovered that lots of things can be art; it just depends on how you look at it. Art is not just paintings and music, it can be a movie, a building, or a flower garden. My group for the curated art project discovered that everyday things can be art, such as the art of being a freshman.There are plenty of rituals and behaviors that we partake in as freshman, that makes us who we are. And that is nothing to be ashamed of. It is worthy of celebration. 
I have learned from Penn State what it is like to be a part of a community that has pride in its school. My high school was a tiny little thing, which had a reputation for not exactly providing a prime education. At times, I was reluctant to tell people I attended that school. But now I feel pride when I inform someone that I go to Penn State University. I know that my school is providing me with an excellent education. I could already tell that during the first week of classes. Here, I am learning. Although I may complain about a class or two, I know that my professors (or in one case, my TA) are providing me with an education that is worlds away from what I ever had in high school. 
College has also taught me independence. Before college I was working, doing my own laundry, and paying for gas for the car, but I was still living under my parents' roof. Here I am by myself and I am totally on my own when it comes to making sure I meet all of my responsibilities. 
However, I think the biggest lesson I have learned from college is to not take for granted what I have at home. I would often go away to various camps and vacations over my summers at home. I was never the kid who was homesick; I was the one who was incredibly upset when the week was over. Now that I have been gone from my family for so long, I realize that I do miss them very much. I miss my little sister asking me to listen to music with her, and I miss watching our favorite TV show with my little brother. I miss my parents and all of the nice things they do for me on a daily basis. So, I think the greatest lesson that I have learned from college is to appreciate what I have at home. 


3. Hi, Ms. S-- I completed my SRTEs! ... :)


  1. I thought your voice was great in this post! And I agree that being a freshman is something to celebrate. Freshmen are awesome!

  2. I found this post pretty humorous. I, too, sent off a vibe to people that was unmistakable, but we should definitely flaunt it, because from what i've heard from upper clansmen, they WISH they could still be in our positions. Also, voice is something I've learned a lot about too, not only in writing essays in English 15, and I really like the way you put that in this post!! (:
