Friday, September 7, 2012

Self Analysis: My Blog

My Template: I decided to chose a template that was easy to navigate. I like simple. Anytime I encounter a website that is difficult to navigate, I feel as though the author of the website is deliberately taking advantage of the fact that I am totally inept with technology. So, I chose Awesome Inc. as my template. It seemed simple enough, yet I still felt as though I could make it my own.
My Title: The title was the hardest thing for me to create. I tried to pick a title that said something about me and was "artsy." Unfortunately, being creative is not my strong suit. I finally settled on "Kayla at the Keyboard." I feel like it portrays what I am doing; just sitting at my keyboard trying to turn all the thoughts swirling in my head into articulate sentences on the page. The alliteration in the title is my attempt at creativity. Admittedly, I am still not 100% satisfied with my title. It is one element of my blog that I will try to improve upon in the near future.  
My Color Scheme: The background of my blog is a nice, bright orange scene. I chose it because it reminds me of sunshine, (as cheesy as that sounds.) To me, sunshine represents happiness. I am a happy person. Therefore my blog should reflect that. For the other colors, I tried to incorporate purple and pink as often as I could. I feel as though they blend nicely with the background. Purple is also my favorite color, and as I said, I feel like my blog should really reflect me.
My Font: I really like fun fonts, but I also feel as though my blog should have a clean look. I tried to look for fonts embodied both of those qualities. The font for the title is "Indie Flower" and the other major labels are either in "Chewy" or "Cherry Cream Soda." These fonts satisfied me as both fun and professional. I chose "Consolas" as the text for all of the posts. It is easy to read, and to me it looks similar to typewriter type, which I think is pretty neat.
My Pages: I have two pages on my blog: the home page and my bio page. The reason for this is actually pretty technical. Blogger has a default "About Me" gadget which it automatically links to my Google+ account since I have one. I honestly couldn't figure out how to edit it and add more information, so I just added a second page for my "About Me" section. 
My Gadgets: I have a few gadgets that I felt would be useful and fun. I included a search blog gadget and a blog archive gadget so that I, or anyone else could quickly access a post. I also added a Twitter gadget (which at the present time actually does not seem to be working.) I included this because I often spew random thoughts throughout the day on my Twitter. I felt that showing my tweets would be a good way to give a quick insight as to who I am. I did not include any additional links, because I could not think of any relevant sites that I wanted to share.
My Perspective of My Blog: I do like my blog. I feel as though the colors represent me and it is easy to navigate. It shares just as much of my personal information as I want it to. I had fun creating it and it was actually a little easier of a process than I thought it would be. However, the title did give me a hard time as I suspected it would. I hope to continually improve during the course and hopefully, regular blogging will help me with my writing. 


  1. I really like your font! especially the headings- It really grabs people's attention right away so we know what your going to talk about. Good choice! I used "cherry cream soda" on some stuff for my blog too

  2. I love the setup of your blog! I like that you included a picture and links to your personal life. Twitter is always a good way to get to know someone's inner thoughts. I love the color, it's very inviting and bubbly which I think is what you wanted to portray. I like your font choice as well! it accomplishes exactly what you intended.
